Early Intervention Resources | UC Davis MIND Institute

Early Intervention

Early assessment is the process of testing a young child to determine if medical or developmental challenges are present.  If there is a diagnosis of a developmental disability, additional information, treatments, therapies, programs, services and strategies will be suggested.  These are considered early intervention and are critical to helping a child develop to their full potential. 

For information about typical development and developmental milestones see our Development Resource Page.



The websites and resources listed are independent of the UC Davis MIND Institute and Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. We do our best to choose sites and resources which reflect inclusion of people with neurodevelopmental disabilities and people with varying identities and positionalities, however, some older material may contain language that is not preferred or is not appropriate so please review with caution. Resources are provided for information only and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of the UC Davis MIND Institute and Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities.