The Career Advising Program at the UC Davis School of Medicine provides information, resources, experiences, and mentorship so that students can make informed decisions about their academic success, career exploration, and the residency match. Our team includes the Career Advisor, Academic Coaches, Specialty Advisors, and the Residency Advisor.

Career Advisor

The Career Advisor is the first stop for any questions that arise as students transition to medical school. The advisor offers general advising about career exploration, helps clarify goals and priorities, offers shadowing opportunities, and reviews the AAMC career advising resources with students. The advisor also helps students in building their CV by discussing various extracurricular activities and helps edit their CV and personal statement for the residency application process.

Academic Coaches

Students are required to meet with their academic coach at least three times each year to explore career opportunities and work on improving clinical skills. Academic coaches can support students as they try to narrow down their career options or when they are considering new specialty areas.  In addition, coaches will review students’ academic progress as well as their professional and personal goals, and they will help students develop short- and long-term plans, prioritizing professional satisfaction and personal well-being.

Specialty Advisors

Specialty advisors are faculty members from specific departments who can help students explore opportunities in their department. The specialty advisor can help describe opportunities available within that field, help select elective rotations in that specialty, and connect students to potential mentors who share their interests.  During the application process, specialty advisors can help in identifying letter writers, discussing competitiveness for the field, selecting programs to which students might apply, and offering specific advice about the residency application process.

Residency Advisor

The Associate Dean for Students (ADS) serves as a residency advisor and oversees the Career Advising Program. The ADS will meet with every fourth-year student to help guide them through the residency application process and is available for any questions that pertain to the residency selection.